Accompany two young girls as they embark on an extraordinary journey through a fantastical academy, aspiring to be the epitome of fashion among their peers! While one sets her sights on the prestigious Witches School, the other is determined to acquire the skills of an enchantress, manifesting a style so exquisite it leaves princesses green with envy. Embrace the allure of black leather, satin, and other unconventional fabrics as you weave together masterful ensembles that will mesmerize all who lay eyes on them – even the most entitled of princes. Prepare to immerse yourself in the realm of enchanting fashion within the halls of the School of Magic!
Elevate the status of these two best friends to that of the most fashionable students by curating their makeup, hairstyles, dresses, and accessories. Preserve your masterpieces as PNG files. Employ left clicks of the mouse on personal computers or touch gestures on touchscreen devices to navigate and execute your creative vision.